Friday, February 20, 2009

Last Day At Cosmopoint

Lecturer in CIUC...This is my last profession in private sector. I think i must have paradigm in my life. Still in education field but little bit change the environment. I will be a secondary teacher next 5 mont latter. Last day worker as a lecturer, i always pose and pose all over cosmo..hhehehhe with my cute friends awin..see our picture like a super model cosmo..huh??? not bad yaaa....
Fuyohhhhh...last day...!!!! hurayyyy!!!

Ms Mazuin & Mrs Fauziah


Abdul Wafi said...

ur last day.

im so disappointed, masa last day buat makan2 tu,

saya tak tahu langsung.

huhu, sorang pun tak text tau.

sedih gak la, sebab u thought me a lot in this field.


Anonymous said...

wahhh nak jadi chekgu dah yer....

wat a gud opputurnity u have.. grab it..hmmm

selamat pagi chekgu..tahniah gee.. i'm happy 4 u